Live Your Effing Life.
We’re about freedom.
Freedom to live, love and laugh without people getting in your way.
Freedom to express yourself.
If our brand offends you, click the little X in the top right corner and we’ll never bother you again.
Effing Gear is made for people looking for style that’s edgy, definitely gets a compliment, and is Very. Effing. Comfortable.
Yes, we admit, our lifestyle hoodies, shirts, and hats are clever, witty, funny, or whatever handsome adjective you want to use.
But the number one compliment that we receive, ABOVE ALL, is how soft and comfortable our clothes are.
Don’t believe us? Try it for yourself.
If you don’t think our clothes are super comfy (weirdo) get in touch within 30 days of receiving your order for your money back. No questions asked.
Anyway, we at Effing Gear do solemnly pledge to bring you a fun, different, attitude-charged brand that we can all be effing proud of.
Top quality people (that’s you) deserve top quality apparel, so here we are. Now, stop reading and put some effing clothes on!