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Effy's Intro

So, I'm Effy and I enjoy so many things, but most of all...I like running the show at Effing Gear.  The guys have been running the company for 5 years, but now that I am around, things are starting to look up.  New websites, new clothes, new sunglasses, new faces and an overall re-birth of the brand.  Looks like I was born just in time.

When we move into the new headquarters in a couple weeks, I will be directing traffic.  The location is great for me since there is plenty of grass and trees nearby.  However it is even better for the Effing Gear crew.  Can't wait!

Here is a picture of me guarding the building while the crew cleaned up the place.

Stay tuned for my latest posts about what is going on at Effing Gear.  Whether it be at the headquarters, at our boutique outlets, with our friends, with our clothes or just cool stuff I want to share...I will keep you posted.  I may be young, but I know what is effing cool.

~ Effy

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